Current Hip Therapy Routine

I do something like this routine every morning, six days a week. Just doing it three times a week should give you some decent benefits as well, but it is important to at least take one day off so your body can rest. It takes me about 20 min to half an hour. When I’m in a rush I skip some of these and can do it in 15 min. Note that these exercises are targeted at my particular weaknesses, and are not suitable for everyone.

Doorway side opener

Doorway back rib opener

(Skip to 4:36)

PRI breathing against wall

(Skip to 7:02)

Seated hip rolls

(I have to keep my hands on the ground and lean back a bit for this one...)

Kettlebell Hip Shift

PRI Knee to chest at wall

(Skip to 13:05)

Groin Stretch at Wall

Transverse Abdominus exercises

(Skip to 3:19)

Dead Bug variations

(Same as above, but with some variations...)

DNS Low Oblique Sit

As a variation also do the DNS Star pattern


Book Opening

Banded Hip Mobialization

Quadruped Hip Shift

The second of these three exercises. (Link to Instagram Reel.)

Internal Rotation Exercise

(Skip to 5:30)

Hip Flexor Stretch on Chair

Deep Squat/hamstring stretch with offset weight

(Something like this, but I use light weights in my hands to help get into the squat.)

Previous versions of this page

Will try to keep this page updated with my most recent routine. This version is current as of 2024-05-06. Previous versions can be found below:

Hip Therapy Routine 1

Hip Therapy Routine 2

Hip Therapy Routine 3